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Welcome to the GWOLKitchen basics blog series! In those posts, we’ll explore the concept of becoming environmentally conscious consumers and how GWOLKitchen addresses not only the 5% of individuals already eating consciously but also the 75% of us who are ready to make small changes within our diets and lifestyles. At GWOLKitchen, we believe that every effort, no matter how small, contributes to creating a sustainable and eco-friendly world.

GWOLKitchen addresses not only the 5% eating consciously but also We, the 75% ready to bring little changes inside of our diets and lifestyles

  1. Understanding Environmental Consciousness: To be eco-friendly consumers, we need to understand the importance of being aware of the environment. This means being mindful of how our choices impact the planet and making informed decisions that promote sustainability. While only a small number of people are currently practicing conscious eating, most of us are willing to make small changes and live a greener lifestyle.
  2. Embracing Small Changes: GWOLKitchen knows that completely changing our diets and lifestyles can be too much to handle.
    Instead, we suggest starting with small changes. These changes could include using less throwaway plastics, choosing local and organic food, using sustainable packaging, or wasting less food. By focusing on these doable goals, we can gradually move toward a more environmentally friendly way of living.
  3. To create an environmentally friendly kitchen: incorporate these practices into your daily routine:
    • a. Sustainable Shopping: Buy from local farmers’ markets, choose organic and seasonal produce, and favor products with less packaging.
    • b. Reduce Food Waste: Plan meals in advance, store food properly, and find creative ways to use leftovers. Composting is also a great way to reduce landfill impact.
    • c. Choose Plant-Based Options: Include more meals based on fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains in your diet to nourish yourself and reduce your ecological footprint.
    • d. Be Mindful of Water and Energy Use: Use water efficiently in the kitchen, choose energy-saving appliances, and remember to turn them off when not in use.
    • e. Use Alternatives to Plastic: Minimize single-use plastics by using reusable bags, bottles, and food containers. Consider alternatives like beeswax wraps or silicone food covers.
  4. When you start making your sustainable kitchen, remember to connect with people who have similar interests. Join communities and interact with others to share your experiences. By working together, we can motivate and support each other in making a positive impact on the environment.

GWOLKitchen aims to bring together people who are mindful about their food choices with those who wish to make small improvements to what they eat and how they live. By incorporating sustainable practices in our kitchens, we can collectively contribute to a greener planet. Start with small actions, appreciate every bit of progress, and inspire others to join this journey of positive change. Stay tuned for additional GWOLKitchen advice and insights in our upcoming blog entries!

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Hi. Welcome to all of you. Thank you for stopping by. My name is Rockia. I’m a World citizen. I’m on my path to reach a green way of living and I’m feeling honored and happy to share my way with you and to learn from yours .
I strongly believe that each one of us could be that positive change maker, we all are expecting, thereby improving his/her own life by refining our connection to the four pillars of a solid human foundation (Food, Body, Emotional Well-being, Spiritual Growth) while serving and impacting the life of others and the environment

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